Linux SSHFS usage in fstab

on e.g. Debian you have to install

aptitude install sshfs

edit /etc/fstab and add the line

sshfs#user@	/where/you/wish/local/	fuse	uid=1003,gid=100,umask=0,allow_other,_netdev,ro		0	0

or directly in shell:

sshfs user@ /where/you/wish/local/ -o idmap=user -o uid=1000 -o gid=100 -o umask=0 -o allow_other -o ro

Build RetroShare 0.5.4f on Debian 7 Wheezy

install required packages

aptitude install libgpg-error-dev libupnp-dev libssl-dev libgnome-keyring-dev libxss-dev subversion gnupg-agent libupnp3 libqt4-dev g++ libgpgme11-dev
aptitude install g++ libgnome-keyring-dev libqt4-dev libxss-dev libssl-dev libupnp-dev subversion libbz2-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler cmake

get latest SVN

svn co svn:// retroshare

Compile/Make RetroShare

cd libbitdht/src && qmake && make clean && make -j2 && cd ../../
cd openpgpsdk/src && qmake && make clean && make -j2 && cd ../../
cd libretroshare/src && qmake && make clean && make -j2 && cd ../../
cd retroshare-gui/src && qmake && make clean && make -j2


Asterisk under Debian Wheezy with SIP Softphone Ekiga or Jitsi

install asterisk

aptitude install asterisk

edit /etc/asterisk/sip.conf

context = default
bindport = 5060
bindaddr =
tcpbindaddr =
tcpenable = yes

type = friend
callerid = User 1001 <1001>
secret = 1001
host = dynamic
canreinvite = no
dtmfmode = rfc2833
mailbox = 1001
disallow = all
allow = ulaw
transport = udp

type = friend
callerid = User 1002 <1002>
secret = 1002
host = dynamic
canreinvite = no
dtmfmode = rfc2833
mailbox = 1002
disallow = all
allow = ulaw
transport = udp

edit /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf


exten => 1001,1,Answer()
exten => 1001,n,Dial(SIP/1001,20,tr)
exten => 1001,n,Hangup

exten => 1002,1,Answer()
exten => 1002,n,Dial(SIP/1002,20,tr)
exten => 1002,n,Hangup.

Soft Phones e.g. Ekiga or Jitsi

Skipfish on Debian Wheezy

install dependencies

aptitude install libidn11-dev zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev

download skipfish



tar xvf skipfish-2.10b.tgz


cd skipfish-2.10b

run e.g.

./skipfish -W dictionaries/complete.wl -o ../superskipfish/ http://domain.tdl/

Static IP Tinc VPN on Debian Wheezy

Install tinc

aptitude install tinc

tinc client create script

# automated Tinc configuration of one participant of a static IP VPN ############################################
echo "tinc config configurator"

VPNName="yourtincvpnname123"		# Once set stays the same
VPNSubnet=""			# Once set stays the same
ServerName="Server0123"			# Name of one or more Clients (space separated)
ThisClientName="Client0123"		# Each Client must have a unique Name (Server is created the same way as every other Client)
ThisClientAddress="name.dyndns.tld"	# DNS or IP of this Client
ThisClientPort="655"			# Port of this Client
ThisClientUniqueVpnIp=""	# Each Client must have a unique static IP

# make needed directories
echo "creating directories ..."
mkdir -v "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/"
mkdir -v "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/hosts/"
touch "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/hosts/tinc.conf"

echo "creating tinc config ..."
echo "Name = $ThisClientName
ConnectTo = $ServerName
Device = /dev/net/tun
Interface = VPN
DeviceType = tap
Mode = switch" > "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/tinc.conf"
#Device = /dev/net/tun // for Linux
#Interface = VPN       // for Windows

cat "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/tinc.conf"
chmod 640 "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/tinc.conf"

echo "creating tinc client file"
echo "Address = $ThisClientAddress
Subnet = $VPNSubnet
Port = $ThisClientPort" > "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/hosts/$ThisClientName"
#Subnet = $VPNSubnet   // virtual subnet

echo "creating ip config file"
echo "#!/bin/sh
ifconfig \$INTERFACE $ThisClientUniqueVpnIp netmask" > "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/tinc-up"
chmod +x "/etc/tinc/$VPNName/tinc-up"

# Auto activate This VPN
echo "activating this vpn"
cat /etc/tinc/nets.boot
echo "$VPNName" >> /etc/tinc/nets.boot
cat /etc/tinc/nets.boot

# generate vpn keys
echo "generating public and private vpn keys"
# tincd -n "$VPNName" -K[=BITS]
tincd -n "$VPNName" -K4096

echo "Exchange all hosts files (can be done over insecure connections without security flaws)"
echo "Debuging:"
echo 'tincd -n "$VPNName" -D -d'