setting up own debian apt-mirror

  1. on debian based systems install apt-mirror
    apt-get install apt-mirror apache2
  2. edit /etc/apt/mirror.list
    set base_path      /home/apt-mirror
  3. create folders
    mkdir /home/apt-mirror/skel
    mkdir /home/apt-mirror/mirror
    mkdir /home/apt-mirror/var
  4. run apt-mirror and download all
  5. create virtual folders for apache
    mkdir /var/www/apt-mirror
    cd /var/www/apt-mirror
    ln -s /home/apt-mirror/mirror/
  6. configure apt clients
    edit /etc/apt/source.list
    deb http://your-server/apt-mirror/debian/ squeeze main contrib non-free

list of distros:

debian 8 unstable: Jessie
debian 7: Wheezy (~ 106 GB)
debian 6: Squeeze (~ 61 GB)
debian 5:Lenny
debian 4: etch
ubuntu 10.04 (LTS): Lucid
ubuntu 10.10: Maverick
ubuntu 11.04: Natty
ubuntu 11.10: Oneiric
ubuntu 12.04 (LTS): Precise
ubuntu 12.10: Quantal
ubuntu 13.04: Raring
ubuntu 13.10: Saucy
ubuntu 14.04 (LTS): Trusty
ubuntu 14.10: Utopic

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