just type
dmidecode -s bios
as root
just type
dmidecode -s bios
as root
aptitude install ejabberd
{hosts, ["jabber.myserver.tdl"]}.
{acl, admin, {user, "myuser", "jabber.myserver.tdl
/etc/init.d/ejabberd restart
ejabberdctl register myuser jabber.myserver.tdl geheim
/etc/init.d/ejabberd restart
ejabberdctl status
Benutzername: myuser@jabber.myserver.tdl
ejabberdctl register myuser2 jabber.myserver.tdl
Firewall Setup
# 5222 für Jabberclients (c2s) # 5269 Server2Server (s2s) # 5280 admininterface auf loopback-device, erreichbar über ssh-tunnel IPTABLES -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 5222 -j ACCEPT IPTABLES -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 5269 -j ACCEPT
Generating a Self-Signed SSL Certificate (http://www.jabberdoc.org/app_sslkey.html)
openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -days 3650 -keyout privkey.pem -out server.pem openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out privkey.pem cat privkey.pem >> server.pem rm privkey.pem
enter your domain name as the Common Name for your certificate!
1) Boot a LiveCD
2) open a Terminal / Console
3) become root
run grub
type the following commands
finished – grub should work again 😀
aptitude install build-essential capiutils libcapi20-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r) bzip2
cd /opt
sourcen holen
wget https://belug.de/~lutz/pub/fcpci/fritz-fcpci-2.6.31.tar.bz2
tar xvfj fritz-fcpci-2.6.31.tar.bz2
cd fritz-fcpci-2.6.31/lib
rm fcpci-lib.o
#ln -s 64_fcpci-lib.o fcpci-lib.o
ln -s 32_fcpci-lib.o fcpci-lib.o
cd ../fcpci_src
make clean
make all
mkdir /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra
cp fcpci.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra/
depmod -a
modprobe -rf fcpci
modprobe -rf avmfritz
modprobe -v fcpci
echo ‘blacklist avmfritz’ > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-avmfritz.conf
nano /etc/isdn/capi.conf
fcpci – – – – – –
# -> Zeile entkommentieren
echo ‘# Fritz!Card
fcpci’ >> /etc/modules
capiinit start
capiinfo # sollte info zur isdn hw liefern
aptitude install ant-phone isdnutils-base isdnlog
# -> Land und Vorwahl setzen
nano /etc/isdn/isdn.conf
LOGFILE = /var/log/isdn.log # abändern
touch /var/log/isdn.log
touch /etc/isdn/noconfig #isdnutils sagen dass keine config nötig ist
service isdnutils restart
mkdir ~/.ant-phone/
touch ~/.ant-phone/options
unter Optionen > Einstellungen sende MSN einstellen
# User rechte geben isdn zu verwenden
nano /etc/group
wget -c -r –ftp-user USER –ftp-password PASS –limit-rate=1.5m ftp://host/*
list of distros:
debian 8 unstable: Jessie
debian 7: Wheezy (~ 106 GB)
debian 6: Squeeze (~ 61 GB)
debian 5:Lenny
debian 4: etch
ubuntu 10.04 (LTS): Lucid
ubuntu 10.10: Maverick
ubuntu 11.04: Natty
ubuntu 11.10: Oneiric
ubuntu 12.04 (LTS): Precise
ubuntu 12.10: Quantal
ubuntu 13.04: Raring
ubuntu 13.10: Saucy
ubuntu 14.04 (LTS): Trusty
ubuntu 14.10: Utopic
make a image with eg. ddrescue or Clonezilla or SystemRescueCd or Disk2vhd
dd if=/dev/sda of=/wtf/ImageFile.dd
Convert image into a virtual disc
VBoxManage convertfromraw ImageFile.dd OutputFile.vdi
Create a new VM and boot it :-D
Windows needs special care: Migrate_Windows
download http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/non-free/f/firmware-nonfree/firmware-nonfree_0.27.tar.gz or later
extract the files required and copy them to eg. /lib/firmware/e100/d101s_ucode.bin4
reboot and enjoy!
btw – fck intel for not beeing 100% DFSG conform!
On running System:
apt-get install apt-file
apt-file update
apt-file search /lib/firmware/e100/
My little Script doing all the Stuff
#!/bin/bash # #aptitude install mplayer twolame # for i in *.m4a; do echo "Convert: ${i%.m4a}.mp3" mplayer -ao pcm:file="${i%.m4a}.wav" "$i" twolame "${i%.m4a}.wav" "${i%.m4a}.mp3" rm "${i%.m4a}.wav" done
#!/bin/bash # #aptitude install mplayer twolame # for i in *.wma; do echo "Convert: ${i%.wma}.mp3" mplayer -ao pcm:file="${i%.wma}.wav" "$i" twolame "${i%.wma}.wav" "${i%.wma}.mp3" rm "${i%.wma}.wav" done
Just call “m4a2mp3.sh” of “wma2mp3.sh” in the dir where the files are 😀
user@linux(Ubuntu 10.10):~$ bc -l bc 1.06.95 Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type `warranty'. 1+1 # Eingabe 2 # Ausgabe 7+5^4 # Eingabe 632 # Ausgabe sqrt(3) # Eingabe 1.73205080756887729352 # Ausgabe a=5 # Eingabe a+2 # Eingabe 7 # Ausgabe define f(x) { return x+3 } # Eingabe f(5) # Eingabe 8 # Ausgabe scale=100 # Eingabe -> Verändert die länge der Nachkommastellen define abs(x) { if ( x<0 ) return -x; return x } # Eingabe -> Betragsfunktion define sgn(x) { if ( x==0 ) return 0 else { if ( x<0 ) return -1; return 1 } } # Eingabe -> Signumfunktion define fact (x) { if(x < 1) return 1 ; return (x*fact(x-1)) } # Eingabe -> Produkt der ganzen Zahlen von 1 bis x fact(5) # Eingabe 120 # Ausgabe # quit # Programm beenden :-D # #Diese Definitionen können auch in einer Datei einfach abgelegt werden und wie folgt wieder beim Programmstart eingelesen werden. user@linux(Ubuntu 10.10):~$ bc -l mydefs.file #