SSH over SOCKS Proxy

ssh server.tld -o ProxyCommand='nc -x proxy.tld:1234 %h %p'

makes use of ‘netcat-openbsd’

ssh server.tld -lBenutzer -p2210 -o ProxyCommand='nc -x proxy.tld:1234 %h %p'
sftp -P2210 -o "ProxyCommand nc -x proxy.tld:1234 %h %p" Benutzer@server.tld:/path/to/file.ext .
rsync -e "ssh -lBenutzer -p2210 -o ProxyCommand='nc -x proxy.tld:1234 %h %p'" server.tld:/path/to/file .

Linux SSHFS usage in fstab

on e.g. Debian you have to install

aptitude install sshfs

edit /etc/fstab and add the line

sshfs#user@	/where/you/wish/local/	fuse	uid=1003,gid=100,umask=0,allow_other,_netdev,ro		0	0

or directly in shell:

sshfs user@ /where/you/wish/local/ -o idmap=user -o uid=1000 -o gid=100 -o umask=0 -o allow_other -o ro